Created by Ollie Mantoani
Engineering by Rye Dorsey
Sound Design by Cristian Ayala
Music by Xayla Kia Daisy
Cast: Cola- Leslie Gideon, Nova- Dina Laura, Junebug- Julia Rose Herman, Scotch- Jeff Ebner, Audre- Elliot FRances Flynn and Finn Lee, Rosaline- Ollie Mantoani, Danny- GRaham Rowat, Solomon- Vinny Ali
Season two Introducing: Simon DeLuca- Brandon Richards, Charlotte RAmsey- Jordan Cobb, Saskia- Lucille VAlentine
Season 1
Episode 1: The Rabbit CAtcher
Cola and the other kids in the van perform a job at a gas station. Everyone is looking for Rosaline, but where is she and who is going to find her first?
Episode 4: January
Nova is close to finding Rosaline so the kids have to figure out a way to get to her first.
Episode 7: Rose Red
Everyone arrives in San Francisco and a new player is introduced.
Episode 2: If I Was a Superhero
Nova drags Cola along to pick up another kid for the van while Junebug and Scotch try to keep busy.
Episode 5: Dusting
The kids struggle to figure out what to do next, while Nova, Junebug, and Solomon are hot on their tail. And a new lovely voice makes an appearance.
Episode 8: Archipelagic
We wrap up the season by following the kids as they try to find Cola, Cola as she tries to figure out who to trust, and Junebug as she discovers maybe trusting anyone in the first place was a bad idea.
Episode 3: They Shut Me Up In Prose
When the van gets stopped on the side of the road, a mysterious stranger offers to help.
Episode 6: Beautiful Dreamer Serenade
The crew at the cabin set out on the road again and Junebug tries to figure out who's on her side.